Thursday, October 2, 2008


I took a pretty big spiritual butt-kicking yesterday. It began the moment I woke up, and didn't end until I was asleep. I didn't take my morning walk, the one where I listen and speak with God. Not like that is a punching-the-clock sort of matter, but when the voices that say, "You're not good enough," begin, it's time to slow down and listen to someone else. Apologies to the people I spoke with via phone yesterday. Sorry I wasn't exactly myself--I was in the middle of a fight.
--the management


Amy said...

um.... john... i must suck as a friend because i didn't notice. I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

but when the voices that say, "You're not good enough," begin, it's time to slow down and listen to someone else.

You are 100 percent correct.

A. Jones