Friday, October 31, 2008

Danger, Will Robinson!

"I am new enough on the national political scene that I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views..." --Barack Obama

...and this is a dangerous thing people. I am not trying to insult anyone's political ideology, I am just asking, "What do you really know about this guy?" He is not established enough to have a track record; therefore, he is not asking you to vote for him on any platform other than change, a nebulous proposition at best. Please realize that not all change is good.

I have many friends who are excited about voting for this guy: none of them are voting for him based on what he's done (how can they--he hasn't really done anything), but rather they intend to cast their votes based on hopes they are projecting onto this "blank screen." Once he is in a position of power, their previously unimpeded ideology--which initially set easily on this seemingly neutral surface--will be displaced, and we will see if the gamble paid off. You heard me correctly: I predicted four years ago that this guy would be president someday. And, again, you heard me correctly: I just called the situation what it is--a gamble.

I read into things. And I sometimes get inordinately strong impressions about people or situations; these sort of impressions are seldom proved to have held no merit. I say all this to warn you that there is something between the lines of everything I have heard this man say, anything I have read that he has written. The "something" is a phantom that I cannot quantify, a specter that I cannot make tangible to you. But I'm fairly certain that this man is not who everyone wants him to be.


Anonymous said...

Maybe God just wants to mix things up a bit?

A. Jones

on to june said...

God wanted to mix things up when he sent the Israelites into exile. I'm not comparing the two situations as if they were of equal immediate gravity, but I do think they are similar in that both might be God's will in a way that is ultimately unpleasant. And I wouldn't have wanted to have been part of God's will as one of the elements inciting the mixing (in the case of the exile). I think the Obama Presidency is the beginning of ominous things to come, but not in the way that Republicans would have one believe. I think the serpent here will be a work of subtle process.

on to june said...

...and by the way, I'm not too happy about any of the alternatives, either. so, just for the record, these comments are non-partisan.

Anonymous said...

It is an interesting time. I think God has placed Obama in office. Perhaps we shall see why as time goes on. I am not ruling out the possibility that Obama is the Christian he claims to be. It seems like Jesus advocated a redistribution of wealth once or twice. Again, we shall see... whatever the outcome I still believe God is in control. I hope all is well with you and that crazy Wells girl.

A. Jones