Tuesday, September 9, 2008

journey. but not the band...

...because Journey, the rock band, is overrated. "Don't Stop Believing" is not the best rock song of all time, contrary to popular belief. The best rock song of all time is obviously Boston's "More Than a Feeling"...

But I digress. What I intend to say in this blog is that I'm fairly pretentious. I have lately realized how little I've been writing (blog and otherwise) these days. So, to bring myself back up to speed, I have reviewed all my old blogs. There are a few moments of brilliance, but it gets bogged down at times by overbearing self-conciousness. I once had a friend advise me that my better writing comes when I just write what I have to say in the way I want to say it. Actually, It made more sense the way she said it. In other words, my stuff is better when I just write what's in my head rather than what I think should be there. Without pretensions about style. I still think she said it better. Nevermind.

So I guess I should write a blog. I'll do that tomorrow.


Amy said...

It's the 14th. You lied.

Anonymous said...

Penny Lane (Beatles)

A. Jones

Anonymous said...

Tina Turner - there really is no other
What's Love Got To Do With It?

Chall said...

"Bang Bang" by Danger Danger

Now that's the best rock song ever.
