Thursday, March 6, 2008

emporer's new clothes.

I've been in the library for the last hour, listening to the college children trying to have grown-up conversation. Too much stylistically-conscious, über-philosophical language. Intellectual fashion modelling. All performed in soundbyte fashion. I have officially decided that the entire world is full of [American Idol].
--the management


Chall said...

Thank you big green phone. You're the only thing I'm keeping when I torch this place.

s. wells said...

i like plain people.

Dan said...

The whole world? I don't know. A significant portion of academia, sure, but you can mainly chalk that up to youth. I remember all that pretentious bullshit seeming very cool when I was... 18. As I recall, college was the first place I could openly be a dork and not get picked on for it. You have to remember some of these people have 10-15 years of repressed conversations to get off their chests. After awhile they mostly figure out nobody cares and move on. The regular people are just harder to pick out in that environment because you don't hear them across the room.