Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This is the best music video ever.

When I voted the Mute Math video the best, I had forgotten about this one. I don't know how. Beautiful.


Anonymous said...

i have loved this video forever. i'm so glad you found it.

on to june said...

yeah, i first saw it back in the first leg of my Montevallo days, when it first came out. i was recently talking to a friend who was unfamiliar with Sigur Ros, and i was astonished that she hadn't heard them (actually it was our singer, and she had heard them because i listen to them, but she didn't remember, so whatever). Anyway, i gave her a crash course, which included this video. It is, in my humble opinion, the best bit of film ever recorded. Such a beautiful story, told so efficiently. It gives my goosebumps every time i watch it.

on to june said...

*me* not my

on to june said...

And actually, EMI has a better HQ version of the video on youtube, so check that out...

Anonymous said...

will do.