Saturday, November 8, 2008

First impressions.

Taking a cue from the film, High Fidelity, I have arranged a list of what I consider to be the Top 5 Side One, Track One songs of all time. They are listed in Song /Album / Artist format:

5. "Latter Days" / Good Dog Bad Dog / Over the Rhine
4. "Welcome to the Jungle" / Appetite for Destruction / Guns n Roses
3. "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band / (eponymous) / The Beatles
2. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" / Nevermind / Nirvana
1. "Hang You Upside Down" / The Lean Years Tradition / Model Engine

I would like to see what you guys think. So, by all means, respond with lists of your own.

--the management


Chall said...

Smells Like Teen Spirit? Oh, that's not obvious enough..How about the Beatles? Or effin...effin Beethoven? Side one, Track one of the Fifth Symphony...?

Chall said...

5. Every Moment - The Normals/Coming to Life

4. Graveyard Shift - Uncle Tupelo/No Depression

3. Revelator - Gillian Welch/Time

2. Thunder Road - Bruce Springsteen/Born to Run

1. Latter Days - Over The Rhine/Good Dog Bad Dog

on to june said...

ha ha! Jack Black, is that you?!

Dan said...

I suck at ranking things, so this is in no particular order:

* Northumberland West / Favourite Colours / Sadies
* Let Me Drown / Superunknown / Soundgarden
* Land of Sunshine / Angel Dust / Faith No More
* Windfall / Trace / Son Volt

on to june said...

Hey Dan, that's only four. You owe me one more. Also, good call on the Faith No More and the Soundgarden. Now that I think about it, Faith No More has two others that are great first tracks-- "From Out of Nowhere" and "Collision."

Amy said...

I rarely recognize the songs you like! No list. Sorry.

on to june said...

"I rarely recognize the songs you like" isn't one of No List's best songs, although I will say that Sorry is one of their best albums. You owe me a list with four more items. :)

Dan said...

Yeah, alright. Here's a few more. This is reaching way back, though.
- comin' atcha live, five man acoustical jam, tesla.
- time, persistence of time, anthrax
- them bones, dirt, alice in chains.


on to june said...

Dan, we need to get together with Chris and make some music.

Amy said...

1) I owe you nothing, buddy.
2) Don't tell me what to do.
3) But I'll still be your friend
4) And I'm not sorry anymore.

on to june said...

Amy, you make me smile.