Tuesday, September 16, 2008

sunrise vs sunset

I like a good sunrise better than a good sunset. Sunsets are kind of in-your-face, whereas sunrises are subtle. You can see the sunset coming--it is an observable process. Overt. You can be talking to someone else and not miss it. You have to be paying close attention to fully appreciate a sunrise, and it is best observed in silence. Like I said--it's a subtle occurence. It kind of sneaks up on you, like an unexpected blessing. And unlike a sunset, you don't so much see it coming as much as you feel it coming. I have friends with either preference. It is my informal observation that sunsets are preferred by people who have enjoyed the day; sunrises are preferred by those who have weathered the night.


Anonymous said...

nice--i like the last line

Amy said...

I always feel productive after watching a sunrise... i mean, obviously, i'm not sleeping in.